Monday, May 31, 2010

JFK... halfway there.

I'm in JFK. It's four in the morning where you all are and I'm eating a bacon cheese egg english muffin... quite possibly the greasiest thing I've ever put in my body. Delicious. :)

Yesterday was super tough. I mean, honestly, this whole week has been really tough. I feel like if I would have just gone back to Haiti the day after I got back, it would have been easier. That way I wouldn't have had to remember all of the incredible people I'm lucky enough to know and love. That way, someone else could have packed up all the nonsense I've accumulated in my life... which was gross and overwhelming and far too confronting for me. That way I wouldn't have remembered the luxuries I'm abandoning for a season ( chocolate and ice cream being at the top of that list {quite possibly, the whole list}).

Last time I had to leave the country, I did it with a friend. Now I'm going to meet up with some friends but traveling alone. I'm realizing how it's always really nice to have that travel companion that reminds you why you're on the plane... or who freaks out so you can remind them. It's hard being both people though.

All that to say, I love you. Those who read this blog and those who will find it in the future, you have changed me and there's no words for how I love you. I sincerely hope that I can bring as much greatness to you as you do to me.

That said. I journey on. Miles to go.

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