Sunday, June 6, 2010

week one over.

My first work week is now over. I've had my ups and downs like I thought but at the end of the day, I'm still pretty excited to be here right now.

I worked in the hospital for two days helping out in the ER. They had discharged all the inpatients so we were fairly quiet this week. The ER was slow, the clinic was as it always is, busy on Monday, quiet by Thursdayish.

Thursday through Saturday I worked with HODR. First planting some cherry trees then rubbling. They just started a new rubble site where I was able to see all the destruction on the very first day. It's amazing how devestating the earthquake was to certain buildings. The house we were working on was a two story building with a shop out in front. The roof had been taken off by a different NGO I think but the remainders of the house were left to be manually destroyed and carried off the foundation of the house. Crazy if you ask me. You seriously look at a 4 bedroom, 2 story house and it's in pieces. The floor is still sometimes intact... which means you have to sledge it to small pieces. And you have to do this all strategically so that you don't sledge the floor out from under you. Oh right... it's also like 100 degrees and you're in the blazing hot sun. You know when you sweat so much it's running off your face? Literally dripping, continuously down your face. Maybe you do cardio. Maybe that's when it happens. For my yogis you know how I sweat in our yoga classes... well imagine that kind of sweat but for 7 hours a day! Also imagine that your shirt doesn't ever dry and your eyes kinda sting from the sweat that's gotten in your eyes. It's glorious. Really, glorious. It's a beautiful way to be helpful and encourage others near you and I've even been known to do some small nursing stuff on site. Minor injuries but still good stuff.

I also got to meet the co founder of the hospital this week. Josh White. Really great guy, fabulous doctor and new friend. We got to talking about the hospital recently and the future of what's going to be happening to it. I've heard rumors that it may be closing down due to funding and now after talking with Josh it sounds more political than financial. I'm sure I'll find out more and while I started freaking out right after we talked about "what am I gonna do if the hospital shuts down?" Instead of freaking out I have decided to just be present Just be.The hospital is still open. People are still sick and hurt. Everyday still makes a difference. We also just got a huge donation of supplies which is always so amazing. I will continue to split my time working at both places until something happens that makes me have to look elsewhere.

Love to you all. Sorry for the infrequent updates. Once a week might be all I can swing.



  1. Keep sweating, sounds amazing. Love you and thinking of you tons... I almost called you several times this week before realizing that I couldn't.

  2. Tina, enjoy the day,the present. It'll be what it'll be.I know that you'll make the best out of it. I am so glad and happy that you are doing something so amazing and wonderful that not so many of us have the heart or the courage to do. We misso you lots and lots.
    I love you.
